Rabbi Osadchey inducts and blesses 2024 board members

Peggy Green, President, receives the Rabbi's counsel and blessings.

Dr. Myron Heimlich, Vice-president, receives the Rabbi's counsel and blessings.

Ronnie Graber, treasurer, receives the Rabbi's counsel and blessings.

Diane Wonio, Secretary, receives the Rabbi's counsel and blessings.
Simon Gerbert and Nate Greene, trustees, receive the Rabbi's counsel and blessings.
Trustee Nathaniel Greene addresses the gathering about the education of the congregations growing youth population
The Board with Rabbi: Gaitz, Greene, Gerbert, Graber, Green, Rabbi, Heimlich, Wonio
Leon Kaplan absent.
CBJ Annual Membership Meeting 2021
(Annual meeting photos courtesy of Diane Wonio)

Meris Hamilton, CBJ Board Treasurer Introducing Outgoing President, Peggy Green
as Dr. Bill Hamilton Returns Inside After Leading with the Invocation

Peggy Green, Immediate Past President Speaking to Attendees About Her 2-Year Board Leadership and Accomplishments.

Peggy Discussing Board Member Simon Gerbert's Years of Contributions to the Board and the Synagogue

Newly Elected Board President, Ronnie Graber Discussing Plans for 2021

Peggy Proudly Displaying Her
Certificate of Awesomeness
Presented by Her Fellow CBJ Board Members

Marc Weiss
Served as
Master of Ceremonies

A Total of 22 "Jews in Cars" Attended the 2021 Annual Membership Meeting
Jews in Cars - Saturday, February 20th, 2021

Gabbai, Simon Gerbert's special brunch for JIC Shabbat Morning Service attendees February 20th. Brunch included bagels, lox, tomatoes, onions and a special cream cheese mix spread! See what you missed?

So happy to see Patricia Stowe (left) with her chauffeur, Peggy Green, following along with their Siddurim while listening to the audio on the FM Radio.

Great to see our editor of the Beacon all bundled up. Thank you, Diane Wonio for always doing such an incredible job!

Ira Levine in the K-9 Unit with his adorable Molly . . . Also competing for Cutest Couple.

Bill and Meris Hamilton led a perfect Shabbat morning service. They were joined by Simon Gerbert who sang Ashrei perfectly!
Bill doing so much better after brain surgery a few weeks ago.

Ronnie and Charna Graber
Obviously, that's Charna on the left. Guess that's Ronnie on the right because we can see his Ten Gallon Stetson up on the dashboard.

Max and Kathleen Sukiennik. Kathleen drives Max to the service. Max drives Kathleen crazy. They are in the running for CBJ's Cutest Couple.
"Jews in Cars" Shabbat Morning Services
January 2nd, January 16th & February 6th, 2021

Jews in Cars - January 2
A Full Minyan - So Nice!
Such a delightful way to start 2021 at CBJ with Jews In Cars Shabbat Morning Service led by Meris & Bill Hamilton. So nice to have a full Minyan. Meris & Bill did a phenomenal job and the service included wine and challah for Kiddush and Motzi.

Molly Levin Attended with Proud Poppa Ira

Jews in Cars - January 16th
Meris & Bill Hamilton Davened An Amazingly Smooth Service Complete with Chanting, Great Music and Special Prayer by Meris